I've been at Arty English for just two weeks. My colleagues tell me they understand double what they understood before. I am now 25% more understandable.
My English has improved beyond measure since I started here at Arty English. The activities are great fun. Join now. You won't regret it.
Since starting here at ArtyEnglish, my husband and I have stopped arguing completely in German. We now squabble and bicker fluently in English.
I arrived here 10 days ago from the Orion Belt and couldn't speak more than two words of English: Hello & Goodbye. Now, with 'and' I can speak more than two words.
I'd been learning English for many years and never seemed to make any progress at all. I was terrified. After just one week here I'm now just a little bit afraid. Thank you Arty English.
My owners never used to understand anything I said to them. Now, thanks to ArtyEnglish, I can bark fluently in English and have no problems in communicating my wishes.
Si esta es su primera vez aquí, haga clic en la bandera y lea por favor.