
Check out above one of topics from an earlier video and below for what one 8-year old Hanoian schoolgirl produced in just a few minutes. I think you will all agree that it is AWESOME.
And so onto the Fluency and Memory Training Modules

Before continuing, it is advisable that you do the 4Rs.
If you do not use these questions on a daily basis, you ABSOLUTELY need to bring all of the preceding back to mind on a regular basis.
For one idea on how to carry out the 4Rs session go here.
The 4Rs are:
on a REGULAR basis.
Use the above
(or create something similar with your mind’s eye)
to confirm your RECALL of the dialogue.
PREview & REview Exercise

How children around the world get to school.
Do you know your ABCs?
This teacher doesn't!!!
Module #01- Talking about Your School #1
Lesson #01 Name and location of school; how you get there; class start and finish times; punctuality
Lesson #02 Penalties for lateness;your thoughts on uniforms and your favourite subject
Lesson #03 Homework duties; favourite teacher; what you like and dislike about your school
Module #02- Talking about things you like
Lesson #04 Drinks you like and dislike, eating out and a very special dish
Lesson #05 More favourite food, reading habits, TV, movies
Lesson #06 sports: football, baseball, school? good or bad; studying English.
Module #03- Talking about What You Can Do
Lesson #07 Singing ability, riding horses, musicality, sports
Lesson #08 Ability to cook, ski, ride a motorbike, drive a car
Lesson #09 Dancing prowess, swimming ability, fitness, English ability
Module #04- Talking about Your Last Holiday
Lesson #10 Where did you go and stay, how, how long
Lesson #11 Cool places, weather, food, drink
Lesson #12 Local people, what enjoy most, bad experiences, opportunities to speak English?
Module #05- Talking about Your Favourite Things
Lesson #13 vegetable, fruit, meal, drink
Lesson #14 Colour, domestic and wild animals, subject at school
Lesson #15 sport, watching or playing, extreme sports, zorbing,
Module #06- Talking about Your School #2
Lesson #16 Where go to school, how you get there, start times, lateness
Lesson #17 School rules regarding lateness and uniform, opinion on uniforms, favourite subjects
Lesson #18 Homework, favorite teacher, likes and dislikes about school
All the Questions and Answers
Note for teachers and parents. The BYOD exercises are best done together with your kids…. Please note that they are nothing more than learning paradigms, models which can be exploited in an infinite number of ways, depending on the level of the students, how far you want to push them to perform, how much the kids want to.
To give you an example. Let’s say the question is “Can you cook?”
A perfectly adequate response for a beginner will be: “Yes, I can.”
The following answers are samples that might be produced by higher level kids, using their imaginations. Answers of course do not have to be true.
Yes, of course I can.
Yes I can. I am a great cook.
Yes I can, I’m a great cook. I got top marks in my class for cooking.
Yes, I can. I don’t like to boast, but I’ve been top of my class in cooking for 6 consecutive years.
Module #01- Talking about Your School #1
Q1 What school do you go to?
A1 I go to IA4GS. The Intergalactic Academy for Gifted Students.
Q2 How do you get to school?
A2 A triple-decker, solar-powered, driverless bus. Yellow! It’s so cool!
Q3 What time do your classes start and finish?
A3 We start at 6am and finish at 6pm.
Q4 Are you ever late in the morning?
A4 I’m NEVER late for school.
Q5 What happens if a pupil is late for school?
A5 Anyone late for school receives lessons in Advanced Morals and Ethics.
Q6 Do you have to wear a uniform or can you wear what you like?
A6 We can wear what we like but moderation is encouraged. Any particularly outlandish outfit is frowned upon.
Q7 What do think of the idea of wearing a school uniform?
A7 I wouldn’t mind wearing one.
Q8 What’s your favourite subject?
A8 There are two subjects I particularly love: English and Japanese.
Q9 How much homework do you do every day?
A9 It’s not really homework as such. It’s more like extracurricular stuff. Nothing academic at all. Dance Music Art Sport
Q10 Who’s your favourite teacher?
A10 Oh, I love Ms Ming, my Creative Thinking tutor. She teaches us how to examine problems in such a way that we believe that, if we think out of the box, and with a multidimensional approach, nothing is impossible.
Q11 What do like most about your school?
A11 At the beginning of each lesson we recite a very special mantra: “By the grace of the Almighty, in harmony with the cosmos and all and everything within, I aspire to fulfill my true potential and change the world we live in. “
Q12 What do you dislike about your school?
A12 Nothing at all. The academic program is excellent, the teaching staff exceptional, and the approach to learning is very personalized and directed towards fostering the intrinsic genius in us all.
Module #02- Talking about things you like.
Q1 Do you like coffee?
A1 Yes, I do. Only in the mornings though. I need it to wake me up.
Q2 How about beer? Do you like beer?
A2 I’ve never tried it. I’m too young to drink alcohol.
Q3 Do you like eating out?
A3 No. definitely not. I only eat my mother’s food. She’s the best cook in the world.
Q4 Do you like pizza?
A4 If my mother cooks it, yes.
Q5 Do you like rice?
A5 I’m from Vietnam. We’re the fifth largest producer of rice in the world. I eat rice every day and I love it.
Q6 Do you like reading?
A6 Yes, I do. It helps me improve my vocabulary and become a more creative thinker. I especially like reading aloud.
Q7 Do you like watching TV?
A7 I’m only allowed to watch it for 30 minutes a day. My parents think it’s bad for my intellectual development.
Q8 Do you like going to the cinema?
A8 Yes, I absolutely love going to the movies.
Q9 What about football? Do you like football?
A9 I can’t stand football. I think it’s a stupid game. I don’t understand why it’s so popular.
Q10 Do you like baseball?
A10 No, not in the slightest. I think it’s boring.
Q11 Do you like your school?
A11 Whether I like or dislike my school is out of my hands, unfortunately. I have little choice in the matter.
Q12 Do you like studying English?
A12 Yes, I do. It’s quite difficult for me, but I have to acknowledge that the benefits and knowledge from learning English are enormous.
Module #03- Talking about What You Can Do
Q1 Can you sing?
A1 No, no I can’t. No way.
Q2 Can you ride a horse?
A2 Ride a horse? I’ve never seen a horse.
Q3 Can you play a musical instrument?
A3 Yes, I play the violin.
Q4 Can you play volleyball?
A4 Yes, but not very well.
Q5 Can you cook?
A5 Not very well, no….
Q6 Can you ski?
A6 Ski! I don’t know. I’ve never tried. Maybe.
Q7 Can you ride a motorbike?
A7 I can, yes. But I don’t like to.
Q8 Can you drive a car?
A8 No, I can’t. I don’t have a car.
Q9 Can you dance?
A9 I can move my body to music. I wouldn’t call it dancing.
Q10 Can you swim?
A10 Unfortunately, no. I never learnt.
Q11 Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
A11 Hmm. I’m not sure. Let me try.
Q12 Can you speak English?
A12 Of course I can.
Module #04- Talking about Your Last Holiday
Q1 Where did you go for your last holiday?
A1 Last summer my parents took us to Blackpool. It’s one of the UK’s most famous seaside resorts.
Q2 How did you get there?
A2 My father flew the family ElectraMag, an ElectroMagnetic plane. It flies without making a sound.
Q3 How long were you there?
A3 We were there for a week.
Q4 Where did you stay?
A4 We stayed at an awesome hotel called the SunStar.
Q5 What cool or interesting places did you visit?
A5 Yes, we went to SEA LIFE. It’s an aquarium and conservation center where you can discover a wonderful variety of aquatic animals and sea creatures.
Q6 How was the weather?
A6 Oh, the usual drizzle and grey skies.
Q7 And what was the food like?
A7 Fantastic! Bubble and Squeak. Mushy peas. Periwinkles. What more could you ask for!
Q8 What did you drink?
A8 My sister and I drank Coke every day. I know it’s not good for the health but it’s the only time of the year my sister and I can drink what we like. Mum and Dad drank beer.
Q9 What about the locals?
A9 The people from Blackpool were very friendly.
Q10 What did you enjoy most about your trip?
A10 Oh, riding the roller coaster. It was amazing. It goes up to 235ft high and reaches speeds of 87 mph.
Q11 Any bad experiences?
Module #05- Talking about Your Favourite Things
Q1 What’s your favourite vegetable?
A1 My favourite vegetables are carrots. They’re good for your eyes.
Q2 What’s your favourite fruit?
A2 My favourite fruit is watermelon. Especially in the summer.
Q3 What’s your favourite meal?
A3 My favourite meal is schnitzel with noodles. Hmm! Yummy!
Q4 What’s your favourite drink?
A4 My favourite drink is sugar-cane juice.
Q5 What’s your favourite colour?
A5 Oh, definitely pink.
Q6 What’s your favourite animal to have as a pet?
A6 Oh, I love dogs.
Q7 What’s your favourite wild animal?
A7 My favourite wild animal is the kangaroo.
Q8 What’s your favourite subject in school?
A8 I really love English.
Q9 What’s your favourite sport?
A9 Ping pong. I love ping pong. I play it every day. I play it in the morning. I play it in the evening. Anytime really!
Q10 Which do you prefer, watching sport or playing sport?
A10 Oh, I definitely prefer playing sport.
Q11 Have you ever tried zorbing?
Module #06- Talking about Your School #2
Q1 What school do you go to?
A1 You don’t want to know. I think it’s the worst school in the country.
Q2 How do you get to school?
A2 My mother usually takes me in the family Cadillac though I sometimes ride my unicycle.
Q3 What time do your classes start and finish?
A3 We start at 6am. Much too early! And we finish at 6pm. Much too late!
Q4 Are you ever late in the morning?
A4 I’m often late. Either because I oversleep or my mother can’t get the car started.
Q5 What happens if a pupil is late for school?
A5 Anyone late for school gets a three-hour after-school detention, is forced to recite Shakespeare and has to pay a $10 fine.
Q6 Do you have to wear a uniform or can you wear what you like?
A6 Everyone has to wear a grey blazer, a grey v-necked pullover, grey shirt, grey shoes, grey socks. We even have to wear a grey tie! I mean REALLY. We do, however, get to wear underpants in the colour of our choice.
Q7 What do think of the idea of wearing a school uniform?
A7 It’s the stupidest idea. Absolutely ridiculous. Horrid!
Q8 What’s your favourite subject?
A8 I hate every subject. Not one of them is any good. They’re all totally useless.
Q9 How much homework do you do every day?
A9 As little as possible to be honest. A max of ten minutes.
Q10 Who’s your favourite teacher?
A10 Favourite teacher! Hugghh! I’ll tell you who I hate the most. Mr. Peabody. Our Maths teacher. I know more about Algebra than him.
Q11 What do like most about your school?
A11 I like the holidays most. When I’m not there.
Q12 What do you dislike about your school?
A12 At the beginning of each lesson we have to recite the mantra: “ I aspire to maintain an inquiring mind, a calm disposition and an attentive ear so that in this class and in all classes I can fulfill my true potential. “ I hate it.
All the Questions and Answers
Scroll up for descriptions of all the Modules,
a generous OVERVIEW of the course plus
all the Qs and As in the dialogues